Most children know who Danny is, especially when he is a magical unicorn at a birthday party. Despite his happy life now, Annette discovered Danny at a kill pen in Chino Hills. She found him standing in the corner with two mini donkeys looking lost and confused. Annette herself was just as confused, knowing that he was a Welsh Mountain Pony, a sought-after and expensive breed. At the time, he was a three-year-old stallion sent to a kill pen, likely after a child that had ridden him fell off. At three years old, horses aren't expected to be anything but playful and happy, as most should be living in a pasture. Annette was told that he had to go right away if she wanted to save him. The trailer they had was full, but there was a small space that Danny fit into. After being rescued, Danny found his forever home in Paradise Valley. Danny is a pro at making children laugh and keeping them safe while riding.